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Research & Innovation

Research is at the core of our work at Nurogames. Through our research projects, we contribute to the advancement of the gaming industry and gain valuable insights that help us create even better games.

We specialize in developing games as part of research projects and provide tailored solutions for clients and partners in the scientific domain. Our expertise lies in creating games that not only entertain but also contribute to the exploration of specific topics and the generation of scientific knowledge.

Gamified solutions in national & international research & innovation projects

Collaboration and Partnership

We work closely with research institutes, universities, and other scientific institutions to develop innovative games for research projects. Through our close collaboration, we ensure that the games developed align with the scientific goals and requirements.

Conceptualization and Development

We support research projects in conceptualizing and developing customized games. Our experienced game developers and designers utilize their expertise to create games that address specific research questions and enable knowledge generation.

Data Collection and Analysis

We integrate mechanisms for data collection and analysis into the developed games. This allows for the gathering of valuable information to test scientific hypotheses and gain new insights. Our games enable the collection of gameplay statistics, behavioral data, and surveys to generate meaningful research data.

Evaluation and Reporting

We assist research projects in evaluating the developed games and reporting the obtained results. Our experts conduct evaluation studies, analyze the collected data, and create comprehensive reports that can be used for scientific publications or project reports.

Our main fields of research


This term refers to a virtual reality where users can interact and live in a digital world. In the context of gaming, a metaverse can offer a persistent, immersive, and interactive experience that goes beyond traditional games. It can also be used to create educational or serious games where users can learn skills or absorb information in a safe environment.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can be utilized in games in various ways, such as controlling non-player characters, creating dynamic and adaptive game environments, or personalizing the player experience based on user behavior. AI can also be used to make games more accessible, for example, by adjusting difficulty levels according to the player’s abilities.


Blockchain technology can be used for creating decentralized games and virtual assets, giving players more control and ownership over their digital assets. It also enables new business models, such as play-to-earn, where players can earn real money by playing games.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR provides immersive, interactive content that deeply engages players in the game world. It can be used to create highly realistic simulations for training purposes or to offer unique and unforgettable player experiences.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR adds digital elements to the real world, creating innovative player experiences that blend the physical and digital worlds together. AR can also be used to create serious games that can be applied in the real world, such as for training or promoting physical activity.


The use of gamification principles can help motivate users, promote engagement, and enhance learning. Gamification can be applied in a variety of contexts, from education to health promotion to customer retention.

Cloud Gaming

By shifting game processing to the cloud, users can play high-quality games on any device, regardless of its processing power. This allows more people to access games and enables new business models, such as subscription services.

Cross-Platform Play

By offering games that can be played on different platforms, developers can reach a larger player base and allow users to play with friends regardless of the devices they own.


The introduction of 5G can enhance the gaming experience by enabling faster and more stable connections, particularly beneficial for online and multiplayer games. 5G could also open up new possibilities for mobile and AR gaming.

Procedural Generation

This refers to the creation of game content, such as levels, maps, or quests, through algorithms rather than manual design. This allows for the creation of unique and unpredictable player experiences and can increase the replay value of a game.

Data Analytics

Analyzing player data can help developers better understand player behavior and preferences, optimizing their games accordingly. It can also be used for personalizing the player experience and predicting trends in the gaming industry.

Machine Learning

A subset of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning can be used in gaming to improve AI characters, adapt game elements based on user behavior, or predict and prevent cheating.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs can be used to create unique digital assets within games that can be bought, sold, or traded by players. This offers new opportunities for monetization and player engagement.

Haptic Feedback

Technology that enables physical responses in devices, such as vibrations in a controller, enhances the immersive experience and interactivity in the game.

Social Gaming

Refers to games that promote social interaction, whether through cooperative gameplay, competitions, or simply sharing and communication within a player community.

Mixed Reality (MR)

A combination of virtual and augmented reality, where real and virtual worlds merge to create new environments where physical and digital objects coexist and interact.

Adaptive Music

Music that dynamically adapts to the gameplay enhances the immersion and emotional experience of the player.

Digital Twin

A “Digital Twin” is a virtual representation of a physical object or system. In the gaming industry, digital twins could be used to replicate real-world locations or objects within the game. This could lead to even more realistic and immersive player experiences, especially when combined with VR or AR technologies.


Wearable devices such as smartwatches or fitness trackers could be used in games to collect data and personalize the player experience. For example, health or activity data could be utilized to influence the gameplay or to create serious games that contribute to health promotion.

Smart Clothing

Clothing equipped with technology could be used to enhance the gaming experience. For instance, haptic feedback systems could be integrated into clothing to provide players with an even more immersive experience. Alternatively, motion data could be captured to enable the control of in-game characters, like motion-capture systems.

Our R&I Projects


Corrugated Game






Plastic Twist

Immerse 2 Learn


Passion HF
